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Jamison Niezurawski

Vital Stats


Co-Founder and principal partner of Paradox P&D

Creative media consultant and producer

Music/Jingle writing and creation guru


Direct Line



Jamison is a very creative and gifted person-- from the original music and jingles he composes, to his imaginative and unexpected approach to advertising.

Throughout his entire life, Jamison has always had a natural ability to communicate and connect with people. His career started in management, where he developed a genuine interest in business development and fostered his passion for customer service. Though he thrived at his profession, his greatest passion has always been for music, but this was often left to the wayside. It wasn't until these two worlds became one did he realize he had discovered the next step in the evolotion of his career.

Jamison didn't intentionally make his way into the advertising world, he just did what he loved and pursued the opportunities that came his way. After completing several successful creative projects for business owning friends, he realized what he had been doing all along had a nameā€¦ He had discovered the challenging and rewarding world of Marketing and Advertising, and in doing so found a way to marry his love of client relations with is incredible passion for music and creative development.

In the last two years Jamison has become a very knowledgeable and creative media consultant and producer. From television to radio to web solutions, Jamison brings a fresh and intuitive perspective to each and every project. Jamison continues to build strong relationships with media partners and looks forward to helping your company capitalize on creative vision and media expertise.